Tag: Self-care

  • S2E19 – Zoom got you down?

    Show Notes  Mon Chaio and Andy explore the concept of Zoom fatigue, investigating its existence, potential causes, and its ramifications for both extroverts and introverts. They delve into personal anecdotes, research findings, and theories such as media naturalness theory to understand the cognitive and somatic exhaustion associated with video conferencing tools. They discuss how Zoom…

  • S2E15 – Vacationcast – Holidays and Getting a Different View

    Show Notes A short vacationcast from Andy about taking time away to decompress, find a different view on things, and enjoy the company of others (somtimes) . References: Transcript Andy: Welcome to another episode of the TTL podcast. And this one is a vacation cast. You’ve just got me today and Mon-Chaio is on holiday…