Author: Mon-Chaio Lo

  • S2E20 – Ascending the Tower of Techno-Babel

    Show Notes In both popular literature and media, we’ve all seen the clichéd portrayal of the brilliant engineer spouting indecipherable jargon to explain a situation … and, inevitably, the main character uses a simple analogy to demystify the message. In the real world, however, things rarely mirror those stereotypes, but miscommunication or poor communication of…

  • S2E18 – Leadership Beyond Extroversion

    Show Notes Both conventional wisdom and widespread anecdotes point to the conclusion that extroverts make better leaders. But is there any evidence of this, or is this another belief with little basis in fact? In this episode, Andy and Mon-Chaio examine the misconceptions around introversion and extroversion and dive into the research around the relationship…

  • S2E16 – Misleader Majority

    Show Notes The lack of exceptional leadership in tech companies is far from ideal, and this issue is exacerbated by the widespread presence of poor leaders. The situation becomes particularly troubling when these inadequate leaders believe they are competent or even exceptional. Join Andy and Mon-Chaio in their conversation as they explore the reasons behind…

  • S2E12 – Stories of Remote Work (Remote Work Series – Part 1 of 3)

    Show Notes In part one of this three part series, Andy and Mon-Chaio tell stories of remote work, both from their own experiences as well as those they’ve heard from their colleagues and the public at large. From those stories, they try to find themes to help answer a burning question: four years in, how…

  • S2E10 – The Trial of One-Five-Zero

    Show Notes A core foundation of business, online communities, and social networks is the concept of Dunbar’s Number: the suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. But recently there have been critiques in the scientific community as to the validity of the theory behind the number,…

  • S2E8 – VacationCast – Technical Due Diligences

    Show Notes Mon-Chaio summarizes some common red flags that surface during a company’s technical due diligence investigation. References Transcript Mon-Chaio: Thank you, everyone for joining me for this VacationCast episode of The TTL Podcast. For those new to the show, we do VacationCasts when one or both of Andy and myself are on vacation and…

  • S2E7 – The Next Best Leadership Style

    Show Notes Even if we don’t know it by name, we all know the attributes of the best leadership style, don’t we? Humble, collaborative, curious, people-centric, etc. But how do we know, and what evidence to we have, for those attributes making up the best style? And what if we’ve been led astray about what…

  • S2E5 – The Power of Repeat

    Show Notes Are you a “one-and-done”, “measure-twice, cut-once” type of leader? If so, you may be overlooking the untapped potential of doing the same thing twice … or more! In this episode, Andy and Mon-Chaio unravel the delightful dance of repetition, proving that it’s not just a merry-go-round of monotony but a secret handshake with…

  • S2E3 – Cracking the Code on Collaboration

    Show Notes “Just collaborate”: the favorite guidance of many a leader to solve any challenging group dynamic problem. And often when collaboration doesn’t work well, the blame is placed upon the individuals and teams involved in the collaboration. Can we as leaders do better? Join Andy and Mon-Chaio as they explore the research around collaboration,…

  • S2E1 – Sabotaging Learning

    Show Notes Transcript Mon-Chaio: Happy 2024, everyone! We appreciate you taking time out of your day once again to join us here on The TTL Podcast. We hope that you had a happy holiday season and are ready now to dive into more learning. I hope that’s why you’re listening to this podcast. Maybe one…