Category: Episodes

  • S2E22 – Making Use of the Theory of Constraints

    Show Notes  In this episode of the TTL Podcast, hosts Mon Chaio and Andy delve into the Theory of Constraints, an approach developed by Eliyahu Goldratt. They discuss how this methodology applies to various systems, including technical, people, and cultural systems, emphasizing its importance in software leadership. The hosts explain the core principles of the…

  • S2E21 – VacationCast – A Small Story of Language Diversity

    Show Notes Join Mon-Chaio in this VacationCast episode where he recounts an anecdote from his past involving collaboration, inclusion, and using diverse language in a business environment. References Transcript Mon-Chaio: Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of The TTL Podcast. Andy is off on a bike adventure somewhere. I think the last I…

  • S2E20 – Ascending the Tower of Techno-Babel

    Show Notes In both popular literature and media, we’ve all seen the clichéd portrayal of the brilliant engineer spouting indecipherable jargon to explain a situation … and, inevitably, the main character uses a simple analogy to demystify the message. In the real world, however, things rarely mirror those stereotypes, but miscommunication or poor communication of…

  • S2E19 – Zoom got you down?

    Show Notes  Mon Chaio and Andy explore the concept of Zoom fatigue, investigating its existence, potential causes, and its ramifications for both extroverts and introverts. They delve into personal anecdotes, research findings, and theories such as media naturalness theory to understand the cognitive and somatic exhaustion associated with video conferencing tools. They discuss how Zoom…

  • S2E18 – Leadership Beyond Extroversion

    Show Notes Both conventional wisdom and widespread anecdotes point to the conclusion that extroverts make better leaders. But is there any evidence of this, or is this another belief with little basis in fact? In this episode, Andy and Mon-Chaio examine the misconceptions around introversion and extroversion and dive into the research around the relationship…

  • S2E17 – Exploring the Territory with Douglas Squirrel

    Show Notes  This episode of the TTL podcast features Douglas Squirrel, an expert in making tech teams insanely profitable. The discussion delves into David Snowden’s Cynefin framework and the concept of entangled trios for navigating complex situations by leveraging diverse perspectives. Mon-Chaio, Andy, and Squirrel cover various tactics for tech leadership, including encouraging exploration within…

  • S2E16 – Misleader Majority

    Show Notes The lack of exceptional leadership in tech companies is far from ideal, and this issue is exacerbated by the widespread presence of poor leaders. The situation becomes particularly troubling when these inadequate leaders believe they are competent or even exceptional. Join Andy and Mon-Chaio in their conversation as they explore the reasons behind…

  • S2E15 – Vacationcast – Holidays and Getting a Different View

    Show Notes A short vacationcast from Andy about taking time away to decompress, find a different view on things, and enjoy the company of others (somtimes) . References: Transcript Andy: Welcome to another episode of the TTL podcast. And this one is a vacation cast. You’ve just got me today and Mon-Chaio is on holiday…

  • S2E14 – Tactics for Remote Work (Remote Work Series – Part 3 of 3)

    Show Notes  This episode marks the third and final part of a series focusing on remote work, where Andy and Mon-Chaio delve into tactics that you can use when working with remote teams. Specific topics include maintaining company values and culture through computer-mediated interactions, the role of rituals and symbols like custom emojis and the…

  • S2E13 – Research on Remote Work (Remote Work Series – Part 2 of 3)

    Show Notes  In this second part of a three-part series of the TTL podcast, Mon-Chaio and Andy dive into what research has to say about remote working. They explore various aspects including the impact of remote work on mental health, performance, synchronous vs. asynchronous communication, and team cohesion. Highlighting a study published in Nature titled…